A Soldier’s Story; Sgt. Waters.

One of my personal favorite movies, soldiers story. Great story that showed many depths ranging from racism, classism, self-hatred, among others. Adolph Caesar was a brilliant actor who should have gained strong consideration for an Oscar in 1984 for his performance in this film. If you have the time, please check out the movie…

The pain he showed in the clip below points out the struggles of black soldiers during WWII in the United States Military. One has to admit that African-Americans that fought in wars on behalf of the U.S.A progressed the thought of equal rights in America’s mainstream. From the mantle, “If one could fight for this nation, one can vote within this nation” rang ever so true that George H.W. Bush a northeastern republican during the Vietnam War who was at first against the civil rights bill until he saw black soldiers returning home. In many cases in body bags. That experience changed his mind completely (George H. W Bush a past U.S. President was a former WWII veteran, a pilot whose plane was shot down behind enemy lines during the war). Sgt. Waters ( a character played by Mr. Caesar) showed how far a black soldier would go to advance this people’s standing in the eyes of White Americans…

He took it to a level that should have never been taken to.

He belittled his men, downgraded their self-worth to force them to act beyond themselves, in essence, he wanted to destroy self-hatred but displayed it in full to his own people.  A classic Orwell’s doublethink, more so on the mental level of false conscience of self-preservation awareness. I won’t labour this any longer but watch the clip and see for yourself the superb method acting by Mr. Caesar and if you have time check out Soldier’s Story,  you won’t be disappointed.


16 thoughts on “A Soldier’s Story; Sgt. Waters.

  1. Good publish. I’d been reviewing constantly the following website and i am encouraged! Invaluable details particularly the greatest aspect 🙂 My partner and i handle these kinds of facts a great deal. I used to be interested in the following a number of info for your number of years. Thanks along with enjoy.


    1. thanks a lot for the comment and also for the link. will check it out and appreciate the knowledge you shared. we gotta keep exchanging information like this, learning keeps me young lol…


  2. I remeber this flick very well…he was a brutal DI, was whipping their behinds!! And you’re right, he’s a great actor. Especially like him in the Color Purple too…..plays a good part…


  3. All I know about this film comes from you, my friend, but that sets off all sorts of thoughts. Many thanks. I did know something about Black U.S. combatants in the Second World War – for example, I read in a U.K. newspaper the obituary of the officer who led the Red Tails fighter group in that war, and subsequently saw a documentary about him. He clearly used correct methods – tough but humane. There were many Britons in rural areas whose first contact with Black people was WW2 US servicemen and even a joke sending up discriminatory attitudes – local to US soldier: “We don’t mind you Yanks. It’s these white people you’ve brought with you.”

    Your post raises difficult and important issues about HOW people who are beaten, sneered at, ignored by the more polite and cultured of others or patronised, fight to gain respect. Many thanks.


    1. i was really trying to say something profound to what you just wrote. i will say this..

      Well done!

      I agree as society as a whole has change, still are more miles to go and treating others as humans first is a reward of going down the right path.

      Thanks again and great f-ing’ response..


  4. I´ve seen this movie long time ago. Also saw a documentary about “The buffalo” soldiers during the Korean war and how the army yet again discredited them.

    Now it´s different, talking first hand since I was once a soldier and deployed. And we couldn´t care less what colour was on our right or left as long as they knew how to do the job.

    But maybe you find interesting the documentary about the buffalo soldiers during the Korean war.


  5. Agreed and BIGUPS, I truly enjoyed this… while there are several movie newer and older out there along these lines with such powerful messages that need to be taken to HEART and learned from.
    Your remarks are definitely right on KG….Yes we have made STRIDES and I am happy so many of US are conscious….yes indeed we have miles to go….I believe much of that has to come from within 1st,Self, and those that look like self…learning to truly love SELF….we all don’t have to always FULLY agree, but we must agree on that one principle…and I believe it would be more than enough…from there we will to move forth with others as well …I believe brother MALCOLM SPOKE AMONG THESE LINES…

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